About Us

About Us.

Swabhimaan Ek Ehsas Foundation(S.E.E.F) is a Non Government Voluntary Organisation registered under the Societies Registration Act XXI, of 1860

Swabhimaan Ek Ehsas Foundation started as an activist organization during 2015 which tried to visualize the problems of locality; feelings of people at micro level and raise voice for the disadvantaged and marginalized people. Organization got its legal status during 2019, as a nonpolitical and non profit-seeking organization under Society’s Registration Act of 1860. Meanwhile, under Sec. 12A & 80G of Indian Income Tax Act, Organization has got provisional Exemption Certificate and also applied for regular registrations too which are under process.

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Nidhi Gupta founder president of Swabhimaan Ek Ehsas Foundation


Our Vision

Swabhimaan Ek Ehsas Foundation visualize a society where all people are living with self-esteem, dignity, love, peace, harmony and integrity.

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Our Mission

Activating the visionary thoughts in to deeds through strong community participation, appropriate service delivery, implementation of outreach, innovative programmes through inter-sectoral approach.

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Aims and Objectives

To help marginalized people to benefit from the development process through participatory gender balanced approaches in order to achieve sustainable livelihood and to strive to eliminate poverty around Delhi and NCR areas.

Specific Objectives

  1. To undertake educational programme including formal and non formal education among school drop outs non-school going students and vulnerable children.
  2. Provide assistance to the weaker sections, especially the disadvantaged, orphans, differently able, women, children, marginal and small farmers, labours and workers
  3. To promote the backward communities especially SC, ST etc.
  4. To carry out developmental activities in socio-economic, education and agriculture field for the welfare of society.
  5. To conduct training programmed covering several thematic areas, research, study, baseline data collection and field demonstrations.
  6. With a participatory thought of taking up community based activities, organization intends to follow up its activities keeping in view the following objectives with the track that, it may revisit those as per need of hour:
  7. Support communities for whom we are working to understand and access government services and to participate in community decision making.
  8. Increase household income through improve agricultural practices, other small rural livelihoods and improve access and links to market.
  9. Increase crop yields and reduce cost of production by put into practices organic farming method among community and thru natural resource management.
  10. Campaign for sanitation and Hygiene
  11. Advocate the local issuesrelated to livelihoods and health and education.

Operational Area

The operational area of the organisation isspread all over state of NCT of Delhi.

Values and Principles

TSwabhimaan Ek Ehsas Foundation encouragesthe following values to be practiced both at individual and organizational level.

  1. Honesty, Transparency and Accountability
  2. Mutual respect and responsibilities
  3. Creativity and analytical thinking
  4. Gendersensitiveness
  5. Cost efficiency
  6. Participation

Guiding Principles

  1. Utilization of local wisdom and resources.
  2. Encouragement of innovation and creativity.
  3. Prioritizing quality.
  4. Enhancing coordination and networking.
  5. Accepting challenges

Organization Believes

  1. In the potential power of the poor and Rural people to participate actively in development initiatives within their community
  2. In equal opportunity for man and women in society irrespective of class, age, ethnic, culture or religion
  3. All Human Rights for all.
  4. In freedom of expression, movement and choice by man and women alike.
  5. In social harmony free from communal bias.
  6. Freedom for work, education and development.
Sl. No. Name/Age/Address Name of Father/Husband Designation
1 Nidhi Gupta, Age-42 R/o Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085(Bharat) Narendra Gupta President
2 Girdhari Lal Jindal, Age-67 R/o Sector-7, Rohini, Delhi-110085(Bharat) Pyare Lal Jindal Vice President
3 Ruchi Sharma, Age-41 R/o Trilokpuri, Delhi-110091 (Bharat) Mukesh Sharma Gen. Secretary
4 Pawan Kumar, Age-59 R/o Sector-3, Rohini, Delhi-110085(Bharat) Satya Narayan Sharma Treasurer
5 Vinod Kumar, Age-43 R/o Tiranthkar Nagar, Karala, Delhi-110081(Bharat) Chander Pal Executive member
6 Vikas KumarJha, Age-27 R/o Sector-18, Rohini, Delhi-110089(Bharat) Satyendra Jha Executive member
7 Rajneesh Pandit Age- 31 R/o Sadatpur Extn., Delhi110094(Bharat) Indrajee Executive member

Transforming lives through education, empowerment, and community support. Join us in making a difference!

Charitify Location

  • swabhimaanfoundation2023@gmail.com
  • +91-8383025408
  • www.swabhimaanfoundation.org
  • G-11A, 1st Floor, Nihal Vihar,West Delhi, Delhi-110044 (BHARAT)